Daniel Baker, Pastor


July 15, 2012 Our Great Savior (Part 1) - Sermon Notes Below
July 22, 2012 Our Great Savior (Part2) - Sermon Notes Below

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OUR GREAT SAVIOR               FBC-PC 7-8-12 AM

Our views of God and his Son Jesus Christ tend to focus on the:
      Big or small, far or near, unknowable or very knowable
      He�s all out there or is He all in here
      We need balance
         All three persons of God fill their universe
         yet live within our heart through the indwelling
         presence of the Holy Spirit.  (Titus  2:11-15)


Contact us:
Pastor's Personal E-mail:  fbapportcrane@juno.com
648-4337 (Parsonage)
38 Canal Street
PO Box 33
Port Crane, NY 13833